Social media collectively refers to websites and applications (apps) that share the common focus of communication, content sharing, collaboration, community-based input and interaction. It integrates into our everyday lives and, if used responsibly, serves immeasurable value in the face of connecting with others locally and globally and making information readily available instantly. Although its origin sprouted from informal interaction with friends and family, businesses soon caught on. They adapted their social media strategies to communicate with customers, clients, and employees.
According to a social media report published, the world’s social media population as of July 2022 stands at 4.7 billion. From a business stance, social media presents immense opportunities to reach and keep in touch with existing clientele but also enables the discovery of new audiences.
The current most sought-after social media platforms for businesses in worldwide include:
Tik Tok
Using any of the abovementioned social media platforms enables your business to create brand awareness and share information with customers. Still, more importantly, you humanise your brand and authentically connect with your target audience. Furthermore, market research indicates that businesses increase their exposure and drive more traffic to their services through social media.
As a business owner, you should invest in social media because it reaps the rewards of:
Reducing overall marketing costs because social media platforms are an excellent, cost-effective way to put your business out there by posting content that targets audiences by specific demographics, keywords, and interests, thus increasing your reach.
Offering better customer service by answering customer questions and addressing concerns on a public platform.
Creating a voice by displaying the personality of your business by sharing information about yourself, your workplace, the service delivery process, employees etc.
Making yourself visible and posting on various platforms often to stay ahead and not be trumped by your competitors.
Building loyalty and trust by allowing your clients or customers to give feedback and share their experiences on social media. Word of mouth is a powerful form of marketing and the most effective way to boost your reputation.
While using social media for any business is a must, the reality of ensuring that it is used wisely remains the biggest challenge.
Your employees are individuals who use social media – all for different reasons but all leaving a digital footprint. Irrespective of what they use it for, employee conduct on any social media platform should always reflect responsible posting. It is why social media guidelines are non-negotiable for any business.
As a business owner, you must educate yourself and your employees about the responsible use of social media by implementing social media guidelines. In my next blog, we will take a closer look at what social media guidelines are and dig deeper into why your business needs them.
As a copywriter, I fully understand that we were not all created with equal strengths and that writing does not come naturally to everyone. The good news is that writing social media captions is right up my alley.
Contact me today for more information on responsible posting and services for writing your social media captions.