In my previous blog, I discussed the importance of investing in social media and how, as a business owner, it is your responsibility to educate yourself and your employees about the responsible use of social media by implementing social media guidelines. Let us now look at better understanding the jargon surrounding social media guidelines and dig deeper into why they are super important for your business.
What are social media guidelines?
Posts go viral in seconds, and the wrong post can instantly tarnish a reputation. Social media guidelines refer to the general rules of employee conduct on social media platforms. It is a document or manual which outlines best practices on social media, including tips on etiquette, helpful tools and links to resources etc. It outlines how employees of the business or company should conduct themselves online, both inside and outside of work.
What is a social media policy?
A social media policy protects the company or brand from legal repercussions following any employee’s irresponsible or problematic use of social media. It outlines the rules for posting on social media and the consequences of breaking them. The purpose of a social media policy is protection from legal risk and to maintain a brand reputation on social media platforms.
Why does my brand or business need social media guidelines?
Every employee is a brand ambassador and should be encouraged to use social media. Social media guidelines equip employees to use social media in positive, inclusive manners and show respect.
Social media guidelines can also assist with the following:
Encourage employees to follow your official accounts.
Build brand awareness and elevate your marketing strategies.
Communicate your social media strategy or plan of action for your brand.
Advocate healthy social media habits during and outside of work hours.
Protect employees from social media harassment.
In turn, and if put into practice, the abovementioned will boost your online brand or business reputation.
What should I include in my business or brand’s social media guidelines?
Seeing that companies are different, social media guidelines may vary from business to business and should be adjusted to suit your industry and employee needs.
Here are some of the general core sections that social media guidelines must include:
Official accounts – Links to the brand or business social media platforms and specific hashtags should they form part of your social strategy.
Disclosure and Transparency – If an employee identifies as an employee of your brand or business on social media but wants to voice or express their opinion on sensitive matters. The employee must add a disclosure that states that their views are their own and not that of the brand or business.
Privacy – Employees must refrain from sharing any confidential information such as personal information of clients or co-workers, private messages, meeting discussions, financial disclosures, upcoming events, marketing strategies etc.
Cyber safety – Since anyone can fall victim to hacking and cyber threats, going over the basics of cyber security is always a good idea. Furthermore, you must protect any details or customer information; your employees should know this.
Harassment – As a business or brand owner, you should clarify that you do not tolerate any form of social media harassment and must provide a protocol for employees who experience this. If your brand or business encourages the use of social media and social media engagement, you must define dealing with cyber trolls or bullies – i.e., reporting, ignoring, blocking or banning. Inform employees on how to report issues and how to get support.
Inclusivity – Your brand or business should support inclusivity on or off social media. Your employees must know and keep this.
Legalities – Employees must be mindful of and respect intellectual property, copyright, trademarks, etc. The golden rule is that if it’s not yours, you reference it, and if you do not have the author or creator’s permission, you do not post it.
Using social media during work hours – You empower employees by letting them know your expectations. Inform them not to use business equipment or register for accounts by using business email addresses when spending time on social media in their capacity.
Social protocol – If you have a Code of Conduct that employees agree to and sign when appointed, remind them that this also applies online.
Outline the proper use of the business logo – Employees should be able to use the logo following specific instructions on how and where use thereof is permitted.
Don’t get involved in social media wars – The social media manager or owner is the only person permitted to respond to negative comments and reviews. The social media manager or owner should always reply with a positive message that shows their commitment to resolving the issue. The social media manager or owner will also contact the client telephonically or via email to ensure that the matter does not escalate.
What are the dos and don’ts when using social media?
It may be clear to you as the business owner, but it’s not that obvious to everyone. By including these do’s and don’ts in your guidelines, you’ll ensure expectations that are easy to understand:
Do list the business as your employer in your social media bio should you want to.
Don’t engage with competitors in an improper or unprofessional way.
Do share business posts, events, reels and stories.
Don’t get involved or respond to comments about the business or brand.
Do feel free to share and express your opinion, but make sure it’s clear you’re not speaking on behalf of the business or brand.
Don’t comment on legal matters that are related to the business.
Do report harassment you’ve experienced or if you noticed fellow employees falling victim to this crime.
When it comes to ensuring that social media guidelines are in place and all employees are on board, the buck stops with you, the business owner. See that employees buy-in and follow these guidelines by providing ongoing social media training and encouraging management or your team leaders to support them. Designate a trustworthy and responsible individual as social media manager to oversee your social media platforms, keep social media guidelines handy, and communicate changes as they occur.
Contact me today for more information on social media guidelines, responsible posting and services for writing your social media captions.